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Jul 31, 2012

on the bReach @ Nor Man D

Voter I.D. laws are Eurotrash Gestapo inflicted by the perVasiVe rot of 3 decades of G.H.W. Bush and his failing kartel.

It is a psyop myth that U.S. national elections can be swayed by a horde of illegal immigrants. When the warmongers surrender their wars Presidential elections can resume the pomp and circumstance they intended. It can be a global fiesta eVery 4 years instead of a 365/24/7 incessant lie that reacts to the detritUS of HiStory.

~ the only reason I would want a confederate flag on my car is if President Obama put it there and told me to pick up Pauline Whitesinger and Mr. Dan Blackgoat. Preferably after I caddied for him and Tiger Woods.

"History is not something to be shunted onto the backs of our children." Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Jul 28, 2012

Oh limb pick pea tardy adVocates writing in Pauline WhiteSinger 4 Prez

From Jim Thorpe and Jesse Owens
to the death of Wheaties,
political parties
and war

Write in
 an indigenous grandmother
 for every election

so we can diVert
the lawyers and judges
into arguing hoW to best translate
"Original Intentions"

just dew IT

"Several members of a music group called "Pussy Riot," with their faces covered in balaclavas, sang a protest song entitled, "Virgin Mary, Redeem Us of Putin," on Feb. 21 at Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow. The song criticizes the support shown by some representatives of the Orthodox Church to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and calls on the Virgin Mary to become a feminist and banish Putin.

The Russian authorities subsequently arrested Maria Alekhina and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova on March 4, and Ekaterina Samusevich on March 15, claiming that they were the masked singers. Although the women admit to being members of the group, they deny any involvement in the protest in the cathedral." http://www.amnestyusa.org/news/press-releases/amnesty-international-demands-russia-release-punk-singers-detained-following-church-performance

Jul 27, 2012

Jul 18, 2012

Dam incompetent treasonous warmonger espouses education with his traditional crap grammer, snide cackles and ignorant dreams. K Streeter fawns on him for yuks.

"A sneeze is like an orgasm, it should be loud" ~ folk aphorism

"My Dick Is My personality" ~ Jacqueline Edwards

"A wet dream is the only acceptable MindFuck" ~ John E. Phillips Jr.

"The elder Bush's spokesman, Jim McGrath, said it will be the first time since 1976, when Bush was director of the CIA and refrained from partisan activities, that he won't attend the Republican Party gathering." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/20/george-bush-republican-convention_n_1690725.html

"Geller told the hearing that when senior U.S. medical personnel visited the hospital, "they got a dog and pony show" to hide the abuses. Even the Army's surgeon general said he had been coming to the facility for seven years and nobody told him about the conditions, Geller testified." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/24/afghanistan-hospital-abus_n_1700396.html

"One thing that we indigenous must remember is that greater Laws watch. This wind that we feel in our face today can become very mighty if these destructive plans don’t stop. This great power of the wind watches us, too, and if we human beings forget our prayers and begin to dishonor our ancient ways, The Great Wind will decide to take away that comfortable world that we once knew. It will make our lands dry up, our waters will disappear and the moisture will be no more. The climate will change. Our foods will become less. These were prophecies that were told to us when I was growing up...

’Someday, might be that time of Transition-Into-Another-Era, it was called. If we decide to lose our prayers to the morning and evening dawn, if we transform our ceremonies to our own pleasing, if our language become no more, that is when strange diseases and famine will come. The wind and the Great Hail are upmost dangerous,’ it was told. Just remember that, My Peoples. Thank you for listening to me.” ~ Dineh Zhonnie Chii Katenay. http://sheepdognationrocks.blogspot.com/2012/07/dinehs-narrow-attitude-its-growing.html

Jul 10, 2012

@nti Bush Coup Reparation$

 "Ahh, you were there (RNC protests @ NYC '04)! I miss those days, man. And then OW$ came along and I was like, "Ahh, this is a perpetual protest." ~ Sherman Cheung

The only negatiVe presence of "the Man" eye witnessed @ the illadel Ow$ National Gathering was a channel 3 "5th Estate" traffic chopper and another unmarked one, probably owned by Xe. They hovered overhead loudly for all of rush hour, so the Chester County GOP (& RiNO) suburbaknights could watch Philadelphia on their wanna-be and true Blueblood plasma screens. I met a red blueblood bloodhound in Franklin park named Justice and shouted at her tender, "If that dog ain't been to the Devon Horse Show I ain't met one that has!"

p.s.~ Also, on the Saturday before the 4th I witnessed some National Park guards stop some Veterans for Peace from handing out hoagies and zeps.

Bukkk Fu$h

Jul 8, 2012

Eye Am For D Tew

Since thyme seems to be such a social fiXation amongst most hue mans
i would like to publicly announce my desire to publicly state my age
as 42

Beautiful Babylon Babies Unite !!!

This Blog existed after Bush II "the lesser" stole 2 elections, before Google ate Blogger,

This Blog existed after Bush II "the lesser" stole 2 elections, before Google ate Blogger,
Love Trumps hate.

Hits of the Month

Poetic HyperLinks Defeating the Impossibilities of Peace

Also sprach Zarathustra to the brothasistahs lost out in the woods…
Rolling stones and hurricanes prime us for the rapid eye movement of whose dream?
A stairway to the dark side of the moon reveals an orchestrated King
singing the blues while sexual pistols whip Jesus’ son.
Who’s influence weens us?
Me and my friends gratefully raged against the machine for three days
in the shadow of the valley of the dead
so big brother and company held us down while the wind cried
nothing to be gained here (except copied rights),
Then a questing tribe of beastly boys found a digable plant
where a buffalo soldier picked up a Gideon’s bible from the Godfather
in joe’s garage (or was it in one of 200 motels?)
Anyway, on a Holiday, the pinball wizard boy (Billie)
followed his heart and stopped pretending he was the king of the little plastic castles
while education, missed in the house of the naked apes, evolved and mutated
into and with ~ Nature Art Love Truth ~ and we do too…
And somewhere over the rainbow dancing fools send clowns and purple rain
into imagine nations where everything is now sacred
and there are no more public enemies or rusted Roots or minor threats
or bad brains or busted rhymes or widespread panic
and everyone can read the hieroglyphics on the wall
and we are all refugees of courtney’s love attaining nirvana….
But then again, you’re so vain, you probly think this poem’s about you-
we are everywhere and we cannot be beaten
it’s all over now baby blue, all we need is Love
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